Dana Kathleen Jones was born in Denver, Colorado on August 6, 1963. She grew up in Littleton. She graduated from Littleton High School in 1981 and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and International Business at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In the late 1980s, she earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in Interior Design at Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia. She became a Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD) in 1996. Dana earned the designation Certified Master Kitchen and Bathroom Designer (CMKBD) just prior to her suspicious death in 2014.
Dana moved to Long Beach, California in 1990 to pursue her career in kitchen design. She worked at Fine Lines in Redondo Beach, Alms Cabinetry, and Kitchen Studio Naples. In the late 1990s, she launched The Kitchen Consultant. She built a thriving business designing kitchens, baths, closets, and laundry rooms. Many of her projects were featured in national magazines. The re-design of her own kitchen appeared in September 2006 issue of This Old House magazine.
In 1991, Dana married Robert Bryant Gaddy, and changed her name to Dana Gaddy. When the couple divorced in 1998, Dana changed her last name back to Jones.
In November 2000 when Dana married Carl Lynn Jenkins, she retained the name Dana Jones.
Ten years into their marriage — in April 2010 — Carl Lynn Jenkins changed his name to Cain Finn Jones. In August 2014, five months after Dana’s death, Cain Finn Jones filed papers to change his name to Kane Finn Kealoha. Most people who know him call him Huck.
About Huck
Huck was born in 1964 in Washington State. He was named Carl Lynn Martinez. His mother remarried when he was a child, and he took the name Carl Lynn Jenkins. He attended Huntington Beach High School, and was an avid golfer and surfer. He obtained a California contractor’s license in 1995 for his company True Construction (License #703070).
Dana met Huck in 1998 or 1999 when he was installing a kitchen she had designed. He moved into her condo in Long Beach soon after, and they were married on November 24, 2000. She bought a house in 2001, and they remodeled it together. At some point in their marriage, Huck took classes in jewelrymaking at Long Beach City College.
According to state records, Huck’s contractor’s bond was cancelled on February 25, 2012, deactivating his license. Almost exactly two years later, Dana was dead. According to her financial records, Huck had not earned any income during the six years prior to her death. During this time, he had inherited money and property from his deceased mother and stepfather. On tax returns, Dana listed Huck’s occupation as “not working.”
Death by yoga?
Dana’s family believes that she was murdered in her home by Huck sometime between 10:21 p.m. on March 2, 2014, and 6:00 a.m. on March 3, 2014. The cause of her death was severe, acute, blunt-force head trauma. Authorities in Long Beach and Los Angeles County supported Huck’s dubious claims that Dana died as a result of a freak yoga accident. However, Dana’s family disputed the conclusions of the police, and uncovered multiple instances in which evidence was ignored or mishandled, and falsehoods were asserted as facts in official records. The “official story” remains inconsistent with physical evidence. Dana’s death remains suspicious.
Dana’s family found evidence of more than one life-insurance policy benefiting Huck in the event of her death, including at least one accidental death policy.
After Dana’s death, Huck kept their house and traveled in a refurbished Toyota motor home, which he fitted with solar panels for off-grid living, and painted it camouflage colors. He pursued his enthusiasm for mixed martial arts fighting. In October 2016, he bought a cabin near Lake Arrowhead. In May 2021, he sold the house in Long Beach.
In 2014, Huck recorded this video at a retreat for widows and widowers in San Diego: